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Streaming Hub

"Unleash the Power of Revolutionary Live Broadcasting!"

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The App

Live Streaming Tool

Reinventing Mobile Technology

Introducing the phenomenal Streaming Hub that will leave you absolutely mesmerized! Prepare to be captivated by an extraordinary live streaming tool that not only offers multifunctionality but also delivers a truly professional-grade streaming experience. Elevate your live broadcasts to unprecedented heights, where every moment becomes a visual extravaganza that leaves your audience in awe! Whether you're seeking powerful workflow customization or eager to explore cutting-edge AI and AR technologies, our Streaming Hub caters to your every need, transforming your live streams into a breathtaking spectacle that will leave viewers spellbound.

Are you ready to immerse yourself in this wondrous realm of extraordinary moments?



Including but not limited to the following features,

"Streaming Hubs" are developed as plugins, ensuring there is always a Hub that suits your needs.



The host no longer has to control the collaborator in front of the audience. Through Al bone detection and gesture control function, the host can control the whole live without pressing any button.



Utilizing motion capture software to merge virtual avatars with real individuals - revolutionizing brand promotion and transforming the way people interact with technology.

In Frame


When the host is leaving the camera, "Streaming Hub" can recognise this and start playing a pre-recorded animation to the audience.


3D Model

With our AR 3D Models hubs, you can showcase your product way beyond images. "Streaming Hubs" will create a 3D model instantly with an extreme level of detail for you, and show it on the screen.



The AI & AR engines enhance audience engagement. "Streaming-Hub" allows you to switch the screen layouts, and camera angles anytime to control your live program like professional video mixers with singe tap. 



With the AI engine, "Streaming-Hub" are capable of generating real-time subtitles in different languages for live streamers. Additionally, "Streaming-Hubs" can analyze and extract valuable information from the comments on the streaming platform.

How the App Works



"Streaming-Hub" offer a range of hubs, just like plugins, allowing streamers to customize their own workflows. With our hubs, content creators have the freedom to tailor their streaming experience according to their preferences and requirements.

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AI & AR Based Technology

"Streaming-hub" is a full-features live streaming solution on mobile platform, it allows producing professional - grade programme quality. The innovative hubs system fasten your workflow. Fewer equipment, fewer staff are required.


Distributed Processing Technology

When advanced operations are required, your mobile device can serve not only as a wireless camera but also as an independent functioning hub, offloading the processing tasks from the iPad app. This distributed processing approach enhances the system's computational power, allowing for more efficient and powerful performance.

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About Us

Our Story

Led by the belief that
anyone can grow

UB Fox Limited is an innovative IT company, founded by four dedicated individual teams, each of whom focuses on different fields of expertise. Currently, the company is passionately focused on the development of their cutting-edge live broadcast plug-in known as Streaming Hub. With a shared vision and a commitment to pushing the boundaries of technology, UB Fox Limited aims to revolutionize the world of live streaming and redefine the way people experience content online. 



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Cathay Hackathon 2021

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Hong Kong ICT Awards


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China Collegiate Computing Contest Mobile Application Innovation Contest 2022

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Qianhai - Guangdong - Hong Kong - Macao- Taiwan Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition 2022

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The 2nd Greater Bay Area 5G Application and Innovation Challenge

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The Asia Pacific ICT

Alliance Awards 2022

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Apple's WWDC22 Swift Challenge

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The 8th Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition

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Innovate For Future 2022

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The 2023 Pan-Pearl River Delta+ University IT Projects Competition

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WYEM Elderly APP Design Competition 2021

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